Guidelines for submitting items for the Newsfeed
Make News at Academy!
Newsfeed and Blog Posts
The purpose of the Academy School Newsfeed is to post faculty, staff, alumni and student accomplishments. Tell us what, when, where and with whom. Items will typically be posted as received. The submitter of the news item is responsible for its content. Please send your submission with the information below to Wendy Windle.
Images with no content will not get posted.
What you need to include
Catchy Title for the article: this title will show up in the newsfeed on the home page as well as at the top of your article
Authors Name: indicate who should get credit for the submission
Content: Write something about your item.
Images: Include as many or as few as you like. Please include at least one, as it will be used as a thumbnail on the news feed. Please note: one of the images will be used as a thumbnail on the news feed on the home page. Please indicate which one you would like to use. As this is small, you will want to zoom in on a portion of the image. The best thing to do is include a cropped image, or indicate to Wendy which area you would like cropped.
Links: Please include links to your blog or whatever you want to link to.

Example submission (Click here to see the actual story)

Example of creating a thumbnail

Our home page contains a rotating banner. This is a great way to bring attention timely, exciting events or accomplishments. Click here to see past examples of our banners. Banners can link to class blogs, or an item in the news feed.
Below are the guidelines and information you will need to supply Wendy with to create the banner for you. OR, if you know Photoshop, here are the dimentions and a template for you to make them yourself.

What you need to include
Subject: what the banner will be about
Look/Feel: how you want the banner design to look. It is great to refer to one of the previous examples as a starting point.
Content: The exact words for the banner. Keep it short.
Images: either describe clip art or include your own photos or clipart.
Links: Please include links to your blog or whatever you want to link to.