If you would like to create your own banner, the dimentions are 982 pixles wide X 273 pixles long.
You can use this Photoshop Template. Please send it to Wendy as a .jpg. Otherwise, Wendy Windle will be happy to make a banner for you.


Congratulations Jonathan C!
How many words in WEBSITE Contest – Winner Announced
Congratulations to Jonathan C in Mr. Cumming’s class who found all 41 words in the word WEBSITE. The 41 words are: in be, bee, bees, beet, beets, beset, best, bet, bets, bit, bite, bites, bits, ewe, ewes, is, it, its, see, set, sew, sit, site, stew, sweet, tee, tees, tie, ties, we, web, webs, website, wee, west, wet, wets, wise, wist, wit, wits
Congratulations Dorian P!
CONGRATULATIONS to Dorian P. in Mrs. Rabideau’s 4th grade class for creating a winning caption for the ironing ghost.