Pre-K Program
The Windham Southeast Supervisory Union supports publicly funded pre-kindergarten education for children between the ages of 3 and 5 who reside in the towns of Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford, Putney, and Vernon.
What is publicly funded pre-kindergarten?
Publicly-funded pre-k education (pre-k) is early education for 3, 4 and 5-year olds not yet in kindergarten, designed to provide young children with 10 hours a week of developmentally appropriate early learning experiences based on Vermont’s Early Learning Standards. In the 2015-16 school year, 182 children in the WSESU towns used public pre-k funding in 18 different preschools that have partnership contracts with a WSESU school district.
Who is eligible for publicly funded pre-k?
Children are eligible for the funding if they reside in the towns of Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford, Putney, and Vernon; are three years old by September 1, 2016; and are enrolled in a prequalified partner preschool for at least 10 hours per week.
Where are the publicly-funded prequalified pre-k programs?
The towns of WSESU partner with community-based early childhood programs that are prequalified by the Agency of Education and meet specific high-quality standards: they have a licensed early childhood teacher; they are accredited by NAEYC or in the STARS system and have four or five stars, and they follow the Vermont Early Learning Standards. Pending approval from AOE, the following programs are partners with WSESU town school districts:
Brattleboro Nursery School
Mulberry Bush Early Learning Center
West Bee Nursery School
Hilltop Montessori School
Neighborhood Schoolhouse
Vernon Preschool
Meeting House School
Sunflower Farm Preschool
Winston Prouty Center
HoriZinn Early Learning
Brattleboro Centre for Children
The Grammar School
Kids in the Country
Saxton’s River Montessor School
Miss Martha’s Creative Learning
The Little Red House
The Garland School
Timson Hill Preschool
How does the funding work?
$3092 per child is allocated for ten hours of pre-k education per year, paid by the school district directly to the preschool to offset your tuition. Since most children attend preschool or child care for more than ten hours a week, parents are responsible for paying their child’s tuition for anything over the ten hours a week of pre-kindergarten education.
Putney Central School has a preschool for Putney residents only. There is no charge for this preschool. Applications for Putney Central’s preschool are available by calling the school, 387-5521.
How do I apply?
Complete the Registration Form and mail to the WSESU Central Office, 53 Green St., or the EEE Office at 98 Estey St. in Brattleboro. You may also call Janice Stockman (254-3755) for an application.