Information about COVID-19
Vermont COVID-19 / Coronavirus Page
Updated regularly with information specific to Vermont and Coronavirus. The Department of Health shares updates on their Twitter and Facebook feeds as well.
Talking to students
Talking to your children about school closures
Tips for talking to your kids about school closures and COVID-19.
Medium | The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | Mar 13
Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus
What parents and other adults can say to kids about the coronavirus COVID-19. How to answer their questions and keep kids feeling safe.
Child Mind Institute | Rachel Ehmke | Feb 28
How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus | Parenting Tips & Advice
With coronavirus being a concern for grown-ups, kids might also be worrying. Here's how to talk about COVID-19 with your young children, plus ways to practice healthy habits all year round.
PBS KIDS for Parents | Mar 14