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We will check out your comments and/or feedback and get back to you as soon as we can.  If you are writing us just to say that we are awesome, well, then... THANK YOU!  WE LOVE YOU TOO! 
- The Academy School Web Team 

Website Feedback

Do you have feedback about our website?


We'd love to hear about your experience while visiting our AcademySchool website.


We are interested in knowing what you think.  It would be helpful to hear topics like:


  • Identify a few things that you like about our website. What did we get right and why?

  • Identify a few things that you don't like about our website. How did we miss the mark?

  • Identify elements of our website that are confusing or don't function the way you think they should.

  • Is there something on our website that you'd normally look for, but can't seem to find?


Thanks in advance for taking the time to submit your feedback.


                                                          - Your Academy School Web Team


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