Academy School Bike Program - GoFundMe

We have biking fever at Academy School! This Spring we had the good fortune to host a trailer full of bikes from Local Motion, and the experience was transformative for our school. Students rode bikes during recess, for PE class, and throughout the day with their class. Many students learned to ride for the first time, and others challenged themselves to learn new skills and ride more difficult terrain on our pump track and bike trails that we have developed in conjunction with the Smith Family who owns the land. We saw students engaged at unprecedented levels, developing new levels of self-confidence while developing a love of being active in the outdoors.
Last year we used money raised to develop our pump track and trail network, which has been a great success and a well-used resource for our community. Now, we are looking to build and maintain our collection of school bicycles for students to use during school, in after school clubs, and during summer camps.
Funds from this campaign will be used to purchase new bikes for our school community (at approximately $300 per bicycle), and to maintain our collection of bikes from year to year (a cost of approximately $1000 per year). Ultimately our goals are:
- To develop a collection of 30-40 bikes of varius sizes to be available to students throughout the school day and for after school clubs and summer camps.
- To develop a tool collection and maintenance budget for students to be able to learn the skills to maintain our school collection of bikes with guidance from local bike mechanics.
- To facilitate a yearly bike give-away, where we can fix up a collection of donated bikes and give them to families and kids who otherwise would not have bikes.
- To continue to develop the pump track and trail network on the Smith Family land behind Academy as a Community Bike Park for broad usage.
We have already secured funding for a new bike storage and maintenance building to be constructed on the Academy School campus.
Any contribution would be a critical piece of this effort and greatly appreciated by our school community.